The Laboratoire de recherche en psychologie de la perception is located in the School of Psychology at Université Laval. The main research focus is on time perception, but there is also a wide range of work in the neurosciences. This laboratory was first developed at Laurentian University (Sudbury, Ontario), with the remarkable technical support of Stan Koren of the Department of Psychology. Work on time has led to the integration of more than twenty students who have completed their Honour's thesis in their fourth and final year of undergraduate studies. The first students to join the laboratory were Gary McMahon and Luc Poulin in 1988-1989. Since 1996, the laboratory has grown at Université Laval's School of Psychology, thanks to the involvement of numerous students. Julie Poulin, Isabelle Guay and Mélanie Lapointe are just some of the students who have contributed to the development of the laboratory in the past.
Some fifty students completed more than twenty projects as part of the Directed Research I and Directed Research II courses. These experiments have focused on the detection of rhythm changes in musical excerpts, temporal discrimination judgments, temporal order judgments of cross-modal signals, interval production with dysphasic children, retrospective temporal judgments of children or adolescents reading or playing video games, etc...
The Laboratory offers numerous integration opportunities for students interested in the fundamental aspects of time perception or in more applied projects. The Laboratory is sensitive to the need to integrate people from different minorities.